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PATTY: The Revival
(original 360 musical, 2012)


A PoP! Musical EVENT! A Religious Revival!! An E! True Hollywood Fashion Tragedy mined from the redemptive, sorted, exploited, and mythic histories of Patty Duke and Patty Hearst!!!

Nominated for 5 L.A. Weekly Theater Awards,
including BEST MUSICAL


Rebecca Haithcoat in LA Weekly:
"GO" "Meshing Patty Duke and Patty Hearst, creator-director Patrick Kennelly's musical explores our fixation on the cult of personality and our obsession with molding young celebrity girls into pop tartlets. Patty (played by four performers, representing her id, ego, superego and "shadow") is portrayed as a sacrificial lamb in today's entertainment-saturated culture. "Who will be the bright star of the future?" an announcer in the must-see "pop musical event" sing-songs. "I like posting pictures of myself on the Internet!" a vapid contestant answers in Auto-Tune. Down to the 5-plus-inch heels the talented, 15-member, all-female (!) cast struts around on for almost two hours, Kennelly nails the idea of how expectations help to cripple women in the public eye. In the show's frankest moment, the entire cast turns on the Pattys, chanting, "Kill yourself." Jonathan Snipes and Kristin Erickson's original music drips with satire and is as catchy as anything on the radio. Pilar Macchione's sculptural fashion design is commentary, too; the dresses are just so flattering. This will be one of the most exhilarating eviscerations in L.A. this year. Don't miss it."


Debra Levine on arts~meme:
"The peculiarly American phenomenon — the relentless commoditization of the individual and promoting it in a culture driven by celebrity (exemplars: the two Patties) – is Kennelly’s concern in “Patty the Revival.” The auteur and his many collaborators have fashioned a smart new musical that expresses ambivalence about the forces that shape our lives."

Sean Carnage @
"I visited Patrick Kennelly at Highways in Santa Monica last week, and I was totally knocked out by what I saw and heard. PATTY is a kaleidoscope of old school analog counter culture vibes, cut and pasted all over the stage, thru some digital timespace manipulation (aka finesse)."


The PATTY 360 project also involved the production of a concept albuminteractive website, clothing line, music video and assorted commercials, shorts, graphics and merchandise (t-shirts, playing cards, customized flash drive with album).


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