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(feature film, 2015)


directed by: Patrick Kennelly

written by: Sigrid Gilmer + Patrick Kennelly

produced by: Leo Garcia + Patrick Kennelly

executive producer: Dennis Garcia

director of phtography: Benjamin Conley

production designer: Liz Toonkel

sound + music: Jonathan Snipes


World Premiere: SXSW  

International Premiere: Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival

Festivals: Fantasia International Film Festival, Fantasy Filmfest (Germany), L'Etrange (Paris, France), /slash (Vienna, Austria), FERTAUM (Mexico), Grimmfest (UK), Celluloid Screams (UK), Molins de Roi Horror Film Festival (Spain), RazorReel Fantastic Film Festival (Belgium), Boston Underground Film Festival, Arizona Underground Film Festival, Zinema Zombie Fest (Colombia), B-Movie, Underground, Trash Film Festival (The Netherlands), Transatlantyk International Film & Music Festival (Poland), FirstGlance Philadelphia (Jury Award - Best Actress: Bethany Orr), Spooky Empire Film Festival




"The most twisted movie at SXSW - and of the year" - Marlow Stern, The Daily Beast


"Excess Flesh is nauseating, perceptive, and an altogether damning indictment of a hyper-consumerist society run amuck. It's a wildly imaginative cultural critique that recalls mid-eighties NYC filmmaker Nick Zedd’s infamous Cinema of Transgression and its accompanying manifesto...Comparisons to Polanski’s more paranoid moments (Repulsion) are not unwarranted, and the whole hallucinogenic affair vibes like a Richard Kern shoot gone terribly wrong." - Marc Savlov, Austin Chronicle


"Displeased and displeasing, repulsive and repugnant, Excess Flesh is consuming vitriol and spewing it back in our faces. Director Patrick Kennelly’s feature debut is stylish on a low budget, boasting a synth score from Jonathan Snipes (Room 237, Starry Eyes) and slick, slo-mo visual palette, which he then stuffs with graphic eating, and sadistic and self-destructive behavior. This is a film as informed by the veneer of Los Angeles as it is sickened by it; a layer cake of aggression, shame and madness. It’s pretty exhilarating." - Sam Zimmerman  in Shock Till You Drop


"Some of the best acting I've ever seen in a horror movie..." - FrightDay


"As a disillusioned, desensitized horror film critic, it takes a lot in a film to get a reaction from me. I’ve grown accustomed to watching a perfectly decent film, acknowledge what works in it and what does not, but to have no passionate or physical reaction. At last week’s Boston Underground Film Festival I had the pleasure of seeing Excess Flesh, and it reminded me that film can be exciting and ruthless. I had a knee-jerk reaction to it, and I loved it." - All Things Horror


"It’s a joy to watch a movie like Excess Flesh, being thrust into its gorgeous, grotesque void, and struggling to get our bearings and find a way out...There’s a lot to discuss about what society values as traditional and appropriate goals for women to achieve as well as how self-hatred is the most damaging kind. When everything eventually shifts into place then it all makes sense. That gut feeling you had bubbles up from the pit of your stomach and takes up residence in the back of your throat. Even after the movie ends, you can still taste it. Excess Flesh is a remarkable achievement that needs to be seen more than once to appreciate it fully. And it deserves to be seen by a lot of people." - Modern Horrors


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